
Proklamations- und Anbetungslieder

Hier sind einige sehr schöne Lieder mit wunderbaren Stimmen verschiedener Stilrichtungen, von temperamentvoll bis ruhig. Der Herr wohnt im Lobgesang seines Volkes.

Days of Elijah (Judy Jacobs)

No other name (Sinach)

Worthy is the Lamb (Sinach)

Way maker (Sinach)

God allone (Sinach)

I live to praise You (Sinach)

You satisfy my heart (Sinach)

More than enough (Sinach)

An Easter Hallelujah (Cassandra Star and Callahan Armstrong)

Goodness of God (The Crosby Family)

Goodness of God (Jenn Johnson)

The Lord’s prayer (Andrea Bocelli)

The blessing in Hebrew (Joshua Aaron)

You are holy (Joshua Aaron)

Zion (Aaron Shust)

You are holy (Radiant Worship)

All of my days (Radiant Worship)

Hosanna (Paul Baloche)

You worthy of it all (Lydia Stanley Marrow)

There is a redeemer (Keith Green)

Holy, holy, holy (Keith Green)

Faithful One (Brian Doerksen)

It is well with my soul (Brian Doerksen)

Alleluia, He is coming (Martha Butler / Cindy Rethmeier)

Worship der Gemeinde auf dem Weg, ab 17:32 und 45:37

Kein anderer Gott (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Vater aller Vaterschaft (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Deine Herrlichkeit sehen (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Du bist das Lamm (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Father, we worship You (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Heilig, heilig, heilig, Gott Ewigvater (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Kadosch (Die Reithalle Band, Schleife)

Halleluja (Gaither Music)

Jerusalem (Gaither Music)

The Holy City (Gaither Music)

He is Jehovah (Gaither Music)

God on the mountain (Gaither Music)

Everybody ought to know (Gaither Music)

I know who holds tomorrow (Gaither Music)

Jesus has risen from the death (Vinesong)

Behold (Vinesong)

Another touch (Vinesong)

Let Your living water flow (Vinesong)

I exalt You (Vinesong)

So real to me (Vinesong)

Holy Spirit move me now (Vinesong)

It is well with my soul (Vinesong)

God answers prayer (Vinesong)

Our God reigns (Vinesong)

Lamb of God (Vinesong)

Hosanna in the highest (Vinesong)

We give You glory (Vinesong)

I behold Your glory   (Vinesong)

Vinesong live 2013 (ganze Lobpreiszeit)

Vinesong at Greater Works 2017

In the upper room (Mahalia Jackson)

O holy night (Mahalia Jackson)

O come, all ye faithful (Mahalia Jackson)

Be still my soul (Mahalia Jackson)

Psalm 23 (Clara Micu)

Benediction (Clara Micu)

Nachfolgend einige Lieder von Paul Wilbur, einem amerikanischen christlichen Musiker, Lobpreisleiter und Gitarrist. Alle Christinnen und Christen haben durch Jesus ihre Wurzeln im Judentum. Also, warum nicht zur Abwechslung einen z. T.  jüdisch-messianisch geprägten Lobpreis, umso mehr die ausgesuchten Lieder erfrischend und erbauend sind:

Days of Elijah

Lion of Judah


The Great I AM

Dance with me

The Watchman

The Song of Moses



© Foto: M. Hofmann

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